Call for Abstract

31st International Conference on Cardiology and Cardiovascular Diseases, will be organized around the theme “Theme: Stimulating Excellence in Cardiology ”

Cardiocare 2023 is comprised of 20 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Cardiocare 2023.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Clinical cardiology is the branch of internal medicine that deals with cardiovascular disorders in humans and animals. The field includes heart failure diagnosis and treatment, congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, vascular heart disease, and electrophysiology. It is completely dependent on the cardio-vascular system. During the circulation process, blood carries oxygen and nutrients from heart to the rest of your body via a complex network of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries, while deoxygenated blood returns to your heart via veins. Clinical Cardiology is critical in the coordination of research in medical diagnosis, cardiovascular medicine, and cardiovascular surgery.

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High blood pressure is one of the dangerous cardiac disease. The pressure of the blood being pumped through the arteries is higher during the time of hypertension. It often has no warning signs or symptoms Over time, the constant increase in pressure overload causes accumulating damage that eventually becomes more than circulatory system can handle, often leading to serious health problems. Hypertension can be controlled through medication, exercises and diet changes.

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Regeneration of heart is a wide effort and comes into play when the cardiac tissues is damaged and failed to regenerate the myocardium (muscular layer of heart). Stem cells (SC) have the capability to restore function to damaged tissue by renewing cell growth in cardiac cells destroyed cardiovascular disease. Reparative tools have been engineered to restore damaged heart tissue and function using the body's natural ability to regenerate. Current therapies consist of adult stem and precursor cells, nuclear dynamics of the heart growth.

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Cardiovascular Engineering is a broad range of research, from lower level to higher level in all expected ratios for the treatment of heart disease. The spreading of research that utilizes principles of engineering and technology for the solution of the disease related to heart. These researches covered the topics, including other implantable medical devices such as hemo-dialysis, tissue biomechanics, functional imaging, surgical devices, electrical physiology, tissue engineering and regenerative methods, diagnostic tools, transmission and Bio-sensing technology and many more.

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Heart disease is an executioner that strikes women than men and is much more dangerously. Women of any ages can be affected with cardiovascular diseases. With the intake of birth control pills and smoking in the young age women, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases by 20 percent.

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Acute coronary syndrome is a phrase used to represent a number of disorders linked to an abrupt reduction in cardiac blood flow.

Heart attacks (myocardial infarction) are one such condition where damaged or destroyed heart tissue results from cell death. Even when acute coronary syndrome does not result in cell death, the altered heart function indicates a greater risk of a heart attack.

Acute coronary syndrome frequently results in excruciating chest discomfort or pain. It is a medical emergency that needs to be identified and treated right now. Enhancing blood flow, managing complications, and averting future issues are among the objectives of treatment.


  • Chest pain (angina) or discomfort, often described as aching, pressure, tightness or burning
  • Pain spreading from the chest to the shoulders, arms, upper abdomen, back, neck or jaw
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Indigestion
  • Shortness of breath (dyspnoea)
  • When to see a doctor

An urgent medical situation is acute coronary syndrome. Any variety of illnesses that pose a life-threatening risk might cause chest pain or discomfort. For an accurate diagnosis and early treatment, seek emergency assistance. Avoid taking your own car to the hospital.

An emergency room physician will probably request many tests if you exhibit signs or symptoms of acute coronary syndrome. While your doctor is interviewing you about your symptoms or medical history, several tests might be performed. Tests comprise:

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) (ECG). Your heart's electrical activity is measured by electrodes placed on your skin. A shortage of oxygen can cause your heart to function improperly if you have abnormal or irregular impulses. Electrical signal patterns can sometimes indicate where an obstruction is generally located. The test could be run more than once.
  • Blood exams. If heart tissue has been harmed due to cell death, certain enzymes may be seen in the blood. A cardiac attack is predicted by a good result.

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Anaesthesia is the use of medicines to prevent pain during surgery and other procedures. These medicines are called aesthetics. They may be given by injection, inhalation, topical lotion, spray, eye drops, or skin patch. They cause you to have a loss of feeling or awareness.

  • Local Anaesthesia
  • Regional Anaesthesia
  • General  Anaesthesia


In general, anaesthesia is secure. However, there may be dangers, particularly with general anaesthesia, such as breathing issues or irregular heartbeat a reaction to the anaesthetic that is allergic after general anaesthesia, delirium Delirium causes confusion in its victims. They might not understand what is taking place to them. After surgery, some persons over the age of 60 have delirium for a few days. When toddlers awaken from anaesthesia, it can also occur to them.

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The American Heart Association estimates that cardiovascular diseases cause more than 800,000 fatalities annually. Because of this, it's crucial to recognise the warning signs and symptoms of heart failure in both men and women and to take steps to avoid developing the condition in the first place. The following four developments in the treatment of heart illness, however, might be able to assist you find ways to enhance your heart health if you already have a pre-existing heart condition.

Heart failure 
Technological Progress
The Bionic Heartbeat
Machinery Hearts

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The study of healthy, normal heart function, including blood flow, myocardial structure, the heart's electrical conduction system, the cardiac cycle, and cardiac output, as well as how these factors interact and depend on one another, is known as cardiac physiology or heart function.

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Internal medicine's specialty of cardiology is dedicated to treating cardiac conditions. Congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, electrophysiology, heart failure, and valvular heart disease are among the issues it addresses in terms of diagnosis and therapy. Cardiology has several subspecialties, including cardiac electrophysiology, nuclear cardiology, interventional cardiology, and echocardiography.

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The risk for cardiac disease and stroke is increased day by day due to obesity. But it harms more than just the diagnosis of the cardiac function and the system  of blood vessels. It is also a significant cause of respiratory disorders, osteoarthritis and gallstones. In addition to gain weight, heart-damaging lifestyle decisions such as lack of exercise & a fat laden diet are a common result. Obesity is closely associated with various health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and elevated blood cholesterol, which form the basis of heart disease. Having diabetes or pre-diabetes places one at elevated risk of stroke and cardiac disease. By controlling blood glucose, one may reduce the risk (also called blood sugar), The levels indicated by diabetes experts for good health are similar to the recommended target figures for hypertension and blood cholesterol. The same problem, atherosclerosis, can cause stroke and coronary heart disease.

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One or more structural abnormalities of the heart at birth are symptoms of congenital heart disease. Most frequently, the heart's walls, valves, or blood vessels are affected. There are many different types of congenital cardiac defects; some are serious and may need numerous procedures and treatments.

Cardiovascular surgery usually focuses on the heart or major arteries. This method is frequently used to address the issues of ischemic heart disease, correct congenital heart disease, and treat valvular heart disease, as well as endocarditis, rheumatic heart disease, and atherosclerosis. Among the techniques employed in cardiac surgery include those for aortic aneurysms and dissections, coronary artery bypass grafting, left ventricular assist device and heart transplantation, mitral valve surgery, open-heart surgery, etc.

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Up until recently, the cardiovascular literature was predominated by the idea that persistent heart failure was solely a heart illness. But during the past 40 years, the idea that it's a multisystem disease has grown. Aside from modifications to the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve systems, adjustments to the lungs, muscles, and gastrointestinal tract have been amply reported. Although this is sometimes overlooked, it is obvious that people with heart failure also have brain and CNS issues. This review will provide an overview of the CNS's biochemical and structural abnormalities in people with chronic heart failure and will also examine their possible significance.

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The most common type of heart surgery performed on adults is cardiac surgery, which involves coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). During CABG, a blocked coronary (heart) artery is connected to a solid channel or vein from the body. The merged supply channel or vein avoids the coronary conduit's bypassed section. This opens up a new route for oxygen-rich blood to travel to the heart muscle. A CABG can reduce the chance of coronary failure while also reducing chest discomfort. Surgery is only advised in circumstances where survival is at risk. By enhancing heart function, cardiac surgery primarily aims to prolong the patient's life. Cardiothoracic or cardiac surgeons perform these operations.

  • Cardiac Surgery and Arrhythmias
  • Cardiac Surgery and CHD and Paediatrics
  • Cardiac Surgery and Heart Failure
  • Cardiac Surgery and SIHD
  • Cardiac Surgery and VHD
  • Vascular Surgery
  • Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)
  • Heart valve repair or replacement
  • Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation (ICD).Maze surgery
  • Aneurysm repair
  • Ventricular assist device (VAD) or total artificial heart implantation (TAH)Abdominal Surgery
  • Experimental Surgery
  • Aortic Surgery

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The junction of coronary heart disease and oncology refers to patients who have had cancer treatment. The goal of this emerging field is to improve the cardiovascular care provided to cancer patients prior to, during, and following chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.

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In addition to performing a physical examination, your doctor will inquire about your personal and family medical history.

Heart disease is diagnosed using a variety of tests. A chest X-ray and blood tests are not the only ways to diagnose heart disease.

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG). The electrical signals in the heart are captured by an ECG, which is a rapid and painless examination. If the heart is beating too quickly or too slowly, it can detect this.
  • Holter surveillance. A portable ECG device called a Holter monitor is worn for a day or longer to record the heart's activity during normal activities. This examination can find abnormal heartbeats that are missed by a standard ECG.
  • Echocardiogram. In this non-invasive examination, sound waves are used to provide precise photographs of the beating heart. It demonstrates how the heart's valves and blood flow through the heart. If a valve is constricted or leaking, an echocardiography might assist identify it.
  • Stress testing or exercise tests. These tests frequently entail using a treadmill or a stationary cycle while the heart rate is being tracked. Exercise tests can assist determine how the heart responds to exercise and whether exercising causes heart disease symptoms. You can be prescribed drugs if you are unable to exercise.
  • Catheterization of the heart. This examination can reveal cardiac artery obstructions. The heart is reached by inserting a long, thin, flexible tube (catheter) into a blood artery, typically in the groyne or wrist. To reach the heart's arteries, dye passes through the catheter. During the exam, the dye makes the arteries more visible on X-ray images.
  • Cardiothoracic CT scan. You recline on a table within a doughnut-shaped machine for a heart CT scan. The machine's internal X-ray tube spins around your body while taking pictures of your chest and heart.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heart. A magnetic field and radio waves produced by a computer are used in a cardiac MRI to produce precise images of the heart.

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The study of cardiovascular disease epidemiology and prevention spans a vast area of science. As a result, the reader will only discover a very small number of terms in this glossary, which were chosen based on what the writers thought the general public would find most interesting. We have chosen not to specify the majority of the well-known cardiovascular risk factors because they are many and we want to keep the list of terms short. Finally, we believe that this glossary may be useful to a broad readership because it contains concepts that were initially created in the field of cardiovascular prevention and then added to the field of "chronic disease" prevention.

Cardiovascular disease can be prevented by engaging in regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, abstaining from alcohol and tobacco use, and keeping good blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, and glucose levels.

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Invasive surgery is used in invasive cardiology to diagnose electrical malformations or cure structural issues with the heart. Your arteries get blocked with plaque, making it difficult for blood to circulate correctly. With angioplasty, a tiny balloon is inserted into your blocked vein to push plaque up against the vein's walls and increase blood flow. Angioplasty is frequently combined with stenting. A cardiac stent is a small metal coil that keeps a blocked vein open permanently.



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Non-invasive cardiology does not require the insertion of any fluids, needles, or other tools into the body to diagnose heart abnormalities. Nuclear cardiology is a non-invasive field of study that examines circulatory problems using a variety of imaging techniques that may contain radioactive materials. An echocardiograph uses ultrasound waves to create images of the heart and adjacent structures in order to detect infections, structural abnormalities, and how well the heart pumps blood. The study and investigation of the electrical currents that cause heartbeats is known as cardiac electrophysiology. Exercise is typically a part of stress tests, and our cardiologist monitors it.

Our cardiologist can learn specifics about how our heart responds to physical stress thanks to these activities. A Holter monitor or cardiac event recorder are other names for heart monitors. Our heart's electrical activity over a predetermined period of time was first recorded on tape by cardiac monitors. Our cardiologist can examine the images from CT scans to look for heart disease and atherosclerosis. Echocardiography

Electrophysiology of the heart

pressure tests

CT scans and heart monitoring

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A structural defect in the heart at birth, often known as congenital heart disease, is one of its defining features. Most frequently, damage is done to the heart's blood vessels, valves, or walls. Different types of congenital cardiac defects exist; some are serious and may call for several procedures and treatments.

Typically, cardiac surgery focuses on the heart or big blood veins. Endocarditis, rheumatic heart disease, and atherosclerosis, as well as the issues with ischemic heart disease, congenital heart disease, and treatment of valvular heart disease, are often treated using this strategy. Among the operations utilised in cardiac surgery include those for aortic aneurysms and dissections, coronary artery bypass grafting, heart transplantation with a left ventricular assist device, mitral valve surgery, open-heart surgery, etc.

  • Aortic senosis
  • Arrhythmias
  • Atrial septic defect
  • Cardiac failure
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Coarctation of aorta
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Endocardial cushion defect
  • Kawasaki disease
  • Pulmonary atresia and pulmonary stenosis
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Rheumatic heart disease
  • Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection
  • Transposition of great arteries
  • Tricus arteriosus
  • Ventricular septal defect

One or more structural abnormalities of the heart at birth are symptoms of congenital heart disease. Most frequently, the heart's walls, valves, or blood vessels are affected. There are many different types of congenital cardiac defects; some are serious and may need numerous procedures and treatments.

Paediatric cardiac defects are seen in the majority of children with heart disease. These are birth defects in the structural integrity of the heart. The most prevalent birth defects encountered globally are congenital heart problems, which occur in 8–10 per 1000 live births. According to estimates, 2,40,000 infants are born in India each year with congenital heart defects, and 1/5 of these children may need cardiac surgery or other treatment during the first year of life.