Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
30th International Conference on Cardiology and Cardiovascular Diseases, will be organized around the theme “Current and future research into cardiovascular diseases”
Cardiocare 2022 is comprised of 15 tracks and 6 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Cardiocare 2022.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Cardiac Physiology is the study of Functioning of heart and includes blood flow mechanism, myocardial structure, electric conduction system of heart as well as cardiac cycle and interaction and dependency of these systems on one another.
- Track 1-1Anatomy and Function of Heart
- Track 1-2Electrophysiology
- Track 1-3Cardiac conduction system
- Track 1-4Heart rate control Systems
- Track 1-5Coronary circulation and perfusion
Cardiology is one of the main branches in the medical field and deals with the disorders and functioning of the heart and the blood vessels. Person practising or expert in cardiovascular disease is designated as Cardiologist and they are responsible for the medical management of various heart diseases.
- Track 2-1Cardiac electrophysiology
- Track 2-2Cardiogeriatrics
- Track 2-3Interventional cardiology
- Track 2-4Pediatric cardiology
The Branch of Cardiology is further categorised into invasive, non-invasive, and interventional. Among these, Invasive cardiology (also known as interventional cardiology) is a minimally invasive procedure for recognising the anomalies of the human heart and uses minimally-invasive surgeries for identification and treatment of structural or electrical abnormalities within the heart.
- Track 3-1Angioplasty
- Track 3-2Stenting
- Track 3-3Cardiac Catheterization
- Track 3-4Embedded Devices
- Track 3-5Electrophysiology
Non-invasive cardiology procedures, just as the name indicates are the methods which diagnose the heart abnormalities without the insertion of needles, fluids, or other instruments into the body. These procedures are simple and are useful in conditions where patients are suspected of having chest pain, clogged artery, or other relative histories of heart ailments.
- Track 4-1Cardiac electrophysiology
- Track 4-2CT scans
- Track 4-3Echocardiography
- Track 4-4Nuclear cardiology
- Track 4-5Computer Imaging
Congenital heart defects are the diseases in the heart’s structure that are present since birth. These defects change the normal flow of blood and affect the overall body functions.
- Track 5-1Myocarditis
- Track 5-2Pericarditis
- Track 5-3Rheumatic Fever
- Track 5-4Kawasaki Disease
- Track 5-5Endocarditis
- Track 5-6Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Pediatric Cardiac Disorders is a term used to denote several different heart conditions in children among which the most common disorders are congenital heart defects (CHD). CHDs can vary from mild (such as a small hole in the heart) to severe (such as missing or poorly formed parts of the heart) and may worsen with time. Some Examples include: Pulmonary Atresia
- Single Ventricle
- Tetralogy of Fallot
- Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return
- Tricuspid Atresia
- Truncus Arteriosus
- Ventricular Septal Defect
- Track 6-1Atrial Septal Defect
- Track 6-2Atrio-ventricular Septal Defect
- Track 6-3Coarctation of the Aorta
- Track 6-4Double-outlet Right Ventricle
- Track 6-5D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
- Track 6-6Ebstein Anomaly
- Track 6-7Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
- Track 6-8 Interrupted Aortic Arch
Cholesterol is the waxy fat or lipid produced naturally by the liver and is vital for the formation of cell membranes. Cholesterol is differentiated as low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL). A high level of LDL in the blood causes fat buildup in blood vessels which makes it difficult for enough blood to flow through the arteries and sometimes causes a blockage that causes a heart attack or stroke. Obesity causes dyslipidemia, hypertension, glucose intolerance, inflammatory markers, obstructive sleep apnea/hypoventilation which is directly or indirectly associated with heart diseases. Furthermore, obesity due to PCOS has a twice as likely risk of future cardiovascular diseases, such as a heart attack or stroke.
- Track 7-1Atherosclerosis
- Track 7-2Hypertension and Ventricular Hypertrophy
- Track 7-3Systemic inflammatory condition and vascular injuries
- Track 7-4Pregnancy-related disorders and CVD risk association
- Track 7-5ASA in women with diabetes mellitus
Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) is an umbrella term for a range of conditions or symptoms that are compatible with acute myocardial ischemia or reduced blood flow in coronary arteries leading to myocardial dysfunction or myocardial cell death.
- Track 8-1Angina
- Track 8-2Non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)
- Track 8-3ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)
The brain is responsible for the command and proper functioning of all the organs and tissues in the body. Any impairment or complication in brain function may affect the heart (brain-heart disorders). Some most common CNS- disorders are epilepsy, stroke, subarachnoid bleeding, bacterial meningitis, and head injury. Furthermore, a number of hereditary and non-hereditary neurodegenerative disorders may impair cardiac functions such as cardiomyopathy, or autonomic dysfunction.
- Track 9-1Epilepsy
- Track 9-2PRES syndrome
- Track 9-3Supraventricular or ventricular arrhythmias
- Track 9-4Broken heart syndrome
- Track 9-5Ischemic stroke
- Track 9-6Vertigo
Anesthesia is the medicine that is used to make patients unconscious during surgery to prevent them from feeling pain. It works by interrupting nerve signals in your brain and body from processing pain. A tube may be placed in your throat to help you breathe and relax the throat muscles. During surgery, it is the responsibility of the anesthesiologist to monitor blood pressure and other vital fluids to make sure they are stable and under control.
- Track 10-1General Anesthesia
Cardiac surgery or cardiovascular surgery is the speciality of medicine that is concerned with the surgical treatment or correction of heart diseases and dysfunctions. Although all the heart related problems do not always require surgical treatment, but it is inevitable in serious conditions. Heart surgery can resolve the problems in the heart valves and arteries, restore blood flow, or replace a diseased heart altogether.
- Track 11-1Aortic surgery
- Track 11-2Arrhythmia surgery
- Track 11-3Congenital heart surgery
- Track 11-4Cardiac transplantation
- Track 11-5Cardiopulmonary bypass
- Track 11-6Myectomy/myotomy
- Track 11-7Trans-myocardial revascularization (TMR)
- Track 11-8Valvular surgery
- Track 11-9Coronary artery - bypass surgery/ grafting
- Track 11-10Maze surgery
- Track 11-11Aneurysm repair
Many cardiovascular diseases in their initial stage are asymptomatic therefore it is difficult to detect such diseases in the beginning. However, there are some minor symptoms that may suggest an underlying blood vessel or heart problem such as shortness of breath, chest pain, chest pressure, heart palpitations, dizziness, sweating, numbness and weakness.
- Track 12-1Ankle Brachial Index Test
- Track 12-2CT/MRI/Nuclear Cardiology
- Track 12-3Cardiac Enzymes Test
- Track 12-4Coronary angiogram
- Track 12-5Echocardiography
- Track 12-6EKG & EPS
- Track 12-7Heart Biopsy
- Track 12-8MUGA Test
- Track 12-9Pericardiocentesis
- Track 12-10Venogram
Cardio-oncology is the branch in cardiology that focuses on the detection, and treatment of cardiovascular disease occurring as a result of side effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Since Chemo and Radiotherapy affect the overall body function, it is necessary to periodically monitor cancer patients under treatment to estimate myocardial deformation.
- Track 13-1Cardiotoxicity
- Track 13-2Cancer and Cardiac dysfunction
- Track 13-3Effect of monoclonal antibody treatment on Cardiac function and stability
Preventive cardiology is the field that addresses clinical practice and preventive medicine of cardiology to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases such as development of clinical atherosclerosis through the assessment of individual risk and early initiation of interventions. It mainly focuses on patients with established atherosclerotic disease and patients at high multifactorial risk of developing CVD.
- Track 14-1Nutrition and CVD
- Track 14-2Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Track 14-3Exercise and Lifestyle medication to prevent cardiac diseases
- Track 14-4Cardio-metabolic medicine
- Track 14-5Dyslipidemia
Innovative technologies and refinements of existing therapies with the combination of biotechnology and tissue engineering has led to the development of novel therapeutic strategies such as stem cells, nanotechnology, robotic surgery and other advancements (3-D printing and drugs) for cardiovascular diagnosis and treatment.
- Track 15-1Robotic Surgeries
- Track 15-2Gene therapy
- Track 15-3Stem Cell treatment
- Track 15-43-D echography and CT Scan
- Track 15-5Minimally invasive procedures
- Track 15-6Artificial Heart transplant and Bypass grafting